UK Coffee Week; 29th April - 5th May

Life is short, stay awake for it! Especially this week! UK Coffee Week is here, check out some coffee facts and cafes, along with details on our BRAND NEW espresso cup and saucer.

 National Coffee Week

UK Coffee Week is the week thousands of coffee shops band together to fundraiser for Project Waterfall – a charitable initiative clean water and sanitation to coffee-growing communities all around the world. Donating for every cup bought this week, buying grounds from a stall at the end of your week and celebrating coffee itself are all efforts that will be put into full force this week. 100% of funds raised go directly to Project Waterfall.


Keep up to date at to see if your favourite cafe is joining in this year!


Coffee arrived in the 17thcentury and the first two coffeehouses were opened in 1652. Oxford is home to one of them, while the Jamaica Wine House lies in Saint Michaels Alley right here in London! Coffee shops were named “penny universities” due to the fact you paid one penny for a cup of tea. These were places people came to debate on politics, sciences, literature pieces and more.

 The Jamaica Wine House

Tea will always be a British favourite, but a fresh cup of coffee is never a bad idea. Did you know coffee is the most popular drink worldwide and in the UK alone, 95 million cups are consumed each day and that number is only climbing!


Calling all espresso lovers! We have something for you this Coffee Week! We launched a new product that we know you will love! Our BRAND NEW espresso cup and saucer will look smashing in your home. Shop our mugs here. Coming in a set of two cups and two saucers wrapped up in a sleek white box with gold foil, this is the perfect way to spoil yourself this week! Add this to your kitchen collection during UK Coffee Week!

 London Skyline Espresso Cup and Saucer

Whether you like your coffee straight from the filter, mixed with scolding milk and topped with foam or iced with a shot of flavour, all coffee is the right coffee.


No matter how you enjoy your cup of coffee, make sure to celebrate and stay up for this week!


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